Note: To adequately prepare for Stake Your Claim, kingdoms participating in SYC will have friend codes disabled beginning, 09/01.
After a brief interruption from those interlopers at the Iron Bank last month, we’re back to give another exciting update on the Kingdom Lifecycle initiative!
The first Stake Your Claim event is rapidly approaching. Soon, players on these kingdoms will have the opportunity to choose and migrate to a new map with keeps from other, similar kingdoms. Progress and Allegiance ties will remain; New allies and enemies await!
What is Stake Your Claim?
Stake Your Claim (SYC) is another part of a Kingdom’s Lifecycle. While Kingdom Merge events bring two or more competing kingdoms together into a single kingdom, Stake Your Claim does the opposite, taking old kingdoms and splitting them into several new ones.
Once initiated, 2 or more new kingdoms will be created, depending on your population size. Then begins the exciting multi-leaderboard event where players will be allowed to choose which of these Kingdoms they wish to migrate to. To be eligible for this event, a kingdom must have undergone Kingdom Merge multiple times prior.

What happens when Stake Your Claim begins…
Stake Your Claim is a multi-day event. Once it begins,
- Players can teleport to any of the new kingdoms created for this event.
- Players holding a seat will abdicate any seat they’re holding once they teleport.
- After that initial teleport, you can teleport to any other new kingdom(s) created for the duration of the event, but not back to the original kingdom you were on before SYC began
- A cross-kingdom chat will be opened so all kingdoms participating in your SYC event can communicate
- All Seats of Power will lock on your home kingdom, and all SoPs on your new kingdom will have an accelerated Seat of Power release schedule during the event.
- Players can receive points by holding onto SoPs during the event.

A timer will begin counting down until the kingdom shuffle is finalized, afterwich no more migration can occur.
Once this timer reaches zero,
- Players will be assigned their ‘permanent’ kingdom based on their Allegiance Leader’s location first.
- If a player does not have a liege, or are the leader of their own allegiance, then it will prioritize the SYC kingdom the player is on at the end of the event.
- Kingdoms have population capacities and occasionally some players or allegiances will be moved to a different kingdom than intended.
- If a player does not have a liege, and never teleported off their home kingdom, they will be randomly assigned to one of the new kingdoms (and anyone below them in their allegiance will follow)
- Friendcodes will be disabled for these kingdoms during the SYC event period, so only participating kingdoms can migrate.
We want to preserve allegiances as much as we can. If you’d prefer to completely break out of your allegiance and try something new, make sure you leave your old allegiance before the end of the SYC event countdown.

Stake Your Claim – Pairings
The following kingdoms will be the first to participate in the Stake Your Claim event on 9/28 – 10/3:
805 & 828
Read about the pairing change here.
Players on these kingdoms will be able to choose between 3 new SYC kingdoms to join.
Check your upcoming event panel for the Stake Your Claim event arc for additional information, as well as our recently posted Stake Your Claim FAQ! Use the event period wisely and scope out your competition and gather resources before the final shuffle begins!
Wishing you all good fortune in the wars to come!