The day is warm, though winter has not yet ended. In honor of Lord Whent’s daughter’s nameday the dark fortress of Harrenhal is adorned with banners; cheers and battle-clangor fill the air. Challengers from far and wide have come to test their mettle. Even Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, who seldom rides in tournaments, is preparing to enter the lists.
In February, expect to see new in-game rewards and community events! Here’s the quick summary:
- Game of Thrones: Conquest’s first-ever livestream!
- Ash Cloaked Claws to craft the Flame Lit Lannister gear set
- New Dragon Gear Set Piece: Dusk Rider Saddle
- Lannisport Honey Wine Bottles to craft the Lannisport Honey Wine trinket
- Braavosi Loan trophies can be traded for prizes in the Recipes tab of your Inventory while the Opening Ceremonies or Year of the False Spring events are active!
GoTC’s First-Ever Livestream

We’ve got some big news to reveal, so we’re doing it in style with our first-ever livestream! Not only can you listen to our voices, but you’ll be able to see our lovely faces while we deliver you the news. Join us February 6th at 12:30 EST, broadcasting live from YouTube!
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified as soon as we go live.
Here’s some un things you can expect from the livestream:
- Sneak peak into a brand new feature
- Exclusive Developer interviews and Player Council testimonials
- In-Game Giveaways
- Additional Game of Thrones: Conquest updates
New Gear Set: Flame Lit Lannister

Set your heart on fire with the Flame Lit Lannister gear set, available to craft during the month of February! Equip this set on your avatar to boost up your Infantry, Ranged, and Cavalry troops when capturing Seats of Power with its featured Reinforcement and Rally stats.
Here is a select list of stats that this gear set will offer:
- +Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Attack
- +Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Attack Vs. Player
- +Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Defense
- +Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Health Vs. Player
- +Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Attack Vs. Player Seats of Power
- +Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Defense vs. Player Seats of Power
- +Max March Size when Reinforcing Seats of Power
- +March Speed when Reinforcing
- +Seat of Power Reinforcement Capacity
- +Rallied Troop Capacity
- +Max March Size Percent
New Dragon Gear Set Piece: Dusk Rider Saddle

On February 24th, the Dusk Rider Dragon Gear Set arrives and the Saddle will be the first piece available to craft! Equipping the piece on your Dragon will provide you with Dragon: Ranged Health and Defense and stats to strengthen your Seat of Power combat.
Here are its full list of stats:
- +Dragon Attack
- +Dragon: Max March Size Vs. Seats of Power
- +Dragon: Troop Defense at a Seat of Power
- +Dragon: Ranged Health Vs. Player
- +Dragon: Ranged Defense Vs. Player at a Seat of Power
To learn more about Dragon Gear, visit:
Monthly Event Schedule

If you’ve signed yourself up to be a competitor, here’s this month’s tournament schedule as well as other events happening in February:
Tourney At Harrenhal
- House Whent (Gear Crafting) – February 4th
- The Archery Fields (PvE) – February 4th
- Opening Ceremonies (Arc Recipe Pt. 1) – February 7th
- Arrival of the King (Trinket Crafting) – February 11th
- Enter the Lists (PvE) – February 11th
- Honor Among Wolves (PvE Rally) – February 17th
- Year of the False Spring (Arc Recipe Pt. 2) – February 25th
Power-Up Events
- The Priest’s Shadow (Research) – February 6th / February 27th
- The Rise of Dragons (Dragons) – February 10th / February 24th
- The Rich Man’s Shadow (Building) – February 13th
- Heroes of the Great Game (Heroes) – February 17th
- A Maester’s Journey (Expeditions) – February 20th
- Varys’s Riddle (Total Power) – February 21st
- Breach At The Wall – February 7th
- The Great Hunt – February 25th
- Night’s Watch Mutiny – February 5th
- Profit From Chaos – February 14th
- Test Your Mettle – February 22nd
- The Climb – February 22nd
- Lord of Light – February 28th
Crafting Events
- Three-Eyed Raven (Season 7-9 Gear) – February 19th
- Three-Eyed Raven (Trinket Crafting) – February 26th
Special Events
- Dragon’s Delight (Egg Gifting) – February 11th
- Festival of the Warrior – February 13th
Enter into Lord Whent’s great tournament with these Tourney at Harrenhal themed wallpapers! Available for both Mobile and Desktop.
To save on Mobile, tap and hold the image, and select “Download image”. To save on Desktop, right-click and select “Save image as…”


We hope you’ve enjoyed this preview for the month of February! If you like this preview or have opinions on how it could be improved, visit us on Discord and post your feedback!