Viewing & Understanding Stats

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If you want to win battles, it’s not enough to march your army into enemy territory and hope. To maximize your army’s power, first you’re going to have to understand it…and for that you’re going to have to understand stats.

How do I view my stats?

In order to maximize your stats, first you’re going to have to figure out where to read them.

To do this, click on your player avatar on the top left corner of the screen, and then click on the “Stats” tab on the top right, as shown below.

Once you’re viewing them, the available stats are sorted based on their source—stat buffs you receive from Equipment, for example, are sorted separately from ones you learn from Research or Dragon talents.

Tip: You can get a little more information about each stat by tapping on it.

How stat bonuses are calculated

In order to understand how stats work, you’re going to have to understand the concept behind stat-stacking.

When you have various different bonuses available—perhaps some from your gear, some from your Dragon’s talents, some from Research, and some from holding a particular Seat of Power—you may have a number of bonuses that only apply in certain scenarios.

For example, let’s say I have the below stats listed in my gear equipped:     

  • +1% Troop Attack
  • +1% Infantry Attack
  • +1% Infantry Attack While Marching
  • +1% Troop Attack vs. Player

With those stats, if I marched my Infantry to attack another player’s Keep, I would receive a 4% bonus. If I marched a combined force of Infantry and Cavalry to attack the same Keep, the Infantry would receive a 4% bonus, while the Cavalry would receive a 2% bonus. If your Keep were attacked under the same circumstances, the Infantry would receive a 3% bonus, while all other troops types would receive a 2% bonus.

This same stacking process applies to all different kinds of stats—in every case, you combine all the stat bonuses that apply in that situation, and apply that multiplier to the original score.

Stats to look out for

While there is a huge variety of different statistics you can check on here in the stats screen, there are a few particular stats that are especially important to new players. We’ve listed a few of them, and the reasons why, here.

  • Attack, Defense, and Health: These are the core bonuses that help you out in combat. There are number of different variations of these stats, which can sometimes get very complicated—for example, you might see stats like “Marcher Ranged Attack vs. Player at a Seat of Power,” which would be an increase in the Attack stat, but only for your Ranged Troops, and it would only apply when you are sending an army on a march to attack a Seat of Power that’s owned by another player. It wouldn’t apply to Infantry, wouldn’t apply to defending a Seat of Power that you own, and wouldn’t apply to attacking a Seat of Power that isn’t currently owned by another player.

  • March Size: The higher this is, the more troops you can bring along with you in a single March. There are a number of different versions of this stat as well, and they are additive—for example, you might have stats that increase your March size when you’re attacking Creatures only, or which increase your March Size against a player. This is an extremely valuable stat to find boosts for, as the total size of your army doesn’t mean much if you’re not able to mobilize enough troops to win a battle.

  • March Slots: It’s extremely valuable to give yourself an extra March Slot in the early game, as this enables you to use one March to gather resources, and a second March to fight creatures at the same time.
  • Wounded Capacity: Any time you fight a battle, a certain number of your Troops will become wounded. Wounded Troops will seek shelter in your Medic Tents, if you have enough room for them, and those Troops can be healed back to fighting form…but any wounded Troops that you don’t have room for in your Medic Tents will be killed permanently. The only way to recover a dead Troop is to train fresh ones at your production buildings, which costs four times as many resources than healing them, as well as taking significantly longer. Your Wounded Capacity stat represents your ability to quickly recover from a battle, and as such is an extremely important stat to boost.
  • Healing Cost Efficiency: This is similarly valuable to Wounded Capacity—increasing this stat enables you to heal your wounded troops for less resources, which can be invaluable for keeping your ongoing military costs down.

Tips to get the most out of your stats

  • Focus on one Troop type above others. It’s often better to focus your energy on a single Troop type rather than dividing your talents, research, and equipment bonuses among all three types. The most successful players often have a “primary” and a “secondary” Troop—so, a player might primarily focus on equipment and research that buffs their Infantry, but since Infantry is weak against Ranged, they might also put a few buffs on their Cavalry in case someone tries to attack them with Ranged Troops. For more details, check out our Troop Types & Nuances guide.
  • Be aware of all the different ways you can buff your stats. You can research upgrades at the Maester’s Tower, invest in Dragon Talent points, and invest in better gear at the Smithy, and the best players make sure they’re taking advantage of all three. There are also duration-based buffs you can get using consumable items—be sure to check our Boost Center and Buffs guide for more information on those!
  • Keep different sets of gear for different situations. As you craft gear, it can be handy to carry different gear sets—for example, you might wear one set of gear that has bonuses to troop training speeds, and use it to build your army…but then switch to a set of gear that has bonuses to attack when you’re preparing for a fight.
  • Dragon Army Buffs are different from Dragon Buffs. Dragon Buffs look like “+5% Dragon Attack” or “+5% Dragon Health.” These apply to your Dragon, in any circumstance. These are not to be confused with the ones that look like “+5% Dragon: Troop Health” or “+5% Dragon: Max March Size.” Note the colon! These are buffs that don’t affect your Dragon—they affect any action your army takes when your Dragon is present. In other words, they don’t affect your Dragon directly, they affect the strength of the army that is traveling with your Dragon.

Other ways to boost your stats

There are a few other ways to increase your stats that we haven’t listed here, and we go over them in more detail in some of our other guides. There are consumable War Boosts, which you can use from the Boost Center on the main screen—you can read about these in our Boost Center and Buffs guide. You also gain bonuses by holding a Seat of Power—or alternatively, by situating your keep in an area that falls under the influence of a Seat of Power owned by a friendly member of your Allegiance.

By carefully choosing your equipment, talents, and location, you can combine buffs to make your army into a truly unstoppable force…if you choose wisely.